Energized for Earth Day – Flatbush

As today is Earth Day, it seems only fitting to talk about how the cleanliness of the environments we find ourselves in can have profound effects on our health, both physically and mentally. Clutter and an unsanitary environment can lead to us feeling anxious, stressed, or unable to focus. When it comes to the community we call home, this effect becomes even more prominent. We pass specific areas each day as we walk to work, school, or to the train station. That is why it is important for us to care for the community that we call home. Doing the simple task of making sure our trash finds its way to a garbage bin, instead of littering on the side of the road, can go a long way if we each strive to have a clean community. The notion that a community is “thriving”, environmentally or culturally, is not reliant on the physical brick and mortar that makes up its buildings or their monetary value, but a common agreement amongst community members that aims to hold standards; An unwavering wave of advocacy that holds each community member accountable to do their part in maintaining a clean environment.

New York’s litter problem is well known. That is why, to help strengthen the sense of community where we call home in Brooklyn, the Wholly Medical Supplies team organized a community cleanup for Earth Day today along with the installation of a Doggy Waste Station. Being able to remove numerous bags of trash and litter from the sides of roads and provide a tool to ensure people are able to pick up after their furry friends will have a profound effect. It will show people that this community cares about its health. Our hope is that people will be inspired to continue to keep this community clean with a sense of pride and responsibility to create a happier environment for everyone! We also hope that you are inspired to do what you can to uplift your community! Happy Earth Day!

“Knowledge is the Currency for the Improvement of the World Around Us.”