Nourishing Hope on the West Side – WSCAH

Fluctuating inflation, proliferating pandemics, and surged borders over the past few years have led to migrant populations in many US cities struggling to attain proper food supplies and maintain nutrition standards. Helping to meet the needs of struggling migrants is the West Side Campaign Against Hunger (WSCAH). Since 1979, WSCAH has assisted underserved populations in the Upper West Side of Manhattan.

Today, the Wholly Medical Supplies team volunteered with WSCAH to assist with their supermarket style pantry on 86th street that occurs multiple times throughout each week, serving roughly 500-700 people per day with fresh fruit, whole grains, vegetables, protein, and dairy products.

Access to proper food and nutrition is a human right that no person should be deprived of. The focus should be on fighting poverty, not the poor. With WSCAH, we were able to nourish hope of the West Side for the underserved. Hope for a better future in a country full of possibilities. Hope for a healthy family and journey through life.

WSCAH is preparing to open a state-of-art food storage and distribution hub in Washington Heights on 180th street that will increase their refrigeration capacity 30-fold. If you are interested in volunteering at or donating to WSCAH, please don’t hesitate to check out their website and mission!

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